See below for the latest project information and public engagement opportunities.
These activities for the 2025 operating season at the site include construction of the offsite road and intersection, on-site roads and the scale pad, and mining activities in Phase 1.
Construction of Berm is complete.
The Highway 567 and wetland berm construction scheduled was slightly delayed as we were waiting for an over-head utilities line to be moved. Construction of the berms will be completed by October 31, 2023, weather permitting.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us by email at info@summitproject.ca
Effective September 11, 2023, Mountain Ash Limited Partnership (“MALP”) has initiated the construction of the Summit’s project berms which include a visual screening and sound berm which runs parallel to highway 567, and the wetland berm which delineates the avoided wetlands in the northwest corner of NW31-26-3-W5M. This is work is being completed in preparation for the commencement of aggregate operations as approved by Alberta Environment and Protected Area (“AEPA”). The berm construction is expected to be completed by the second week of October, weather permitting.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us by email at info@summitproject.ca
Mountain Ash Limited Partnership (MALP) received its Code of Practice (“COP”) registration and Water Act approval in July 2023. The Water Act approval and COP registration document, can be found under the Resources tab.
On July 13, 2021, Mountain Ash Limited Partnership (MALP) received approval from Rocky View County (RVC) Council for its Development Permit (DP) application for the Summit Project. The DP includes technical details about the phased development of the project and can be viewed on the Resources tab , under the ‘Development Permit Application Materials’ heading.
As part of the DP, MALP developed a Good Neighbour Action Plan (GNAP) which is still subject to future review and approval from RVC Council. The intent of the GNAP is to provide information about the project and establish methods for ongoing communication between MALP and the surrounding residents, businesses and other stakeholder groups situated within a ±1.6 km (±1 mile) radius of the Project site. Once complete, the GNAP will be linked to the website.
In April 2021, Mountain Ash Limited Partnership (“MALP”) submitted a Development Permit (“DP”) application to Rocky View County, which is currently under review with a decision expected in July of 2021.
MALP kicked-off a public engagement approach as part of its DP application process in March 2021. The objective of the approach was to work with the local community to address questions, concerns, or comments related to the DP. Our approach included a mailing to landowners within 1,600 m of the site, and key stakeholder organizations, to provide a project update and offer the opportunity for a virtual meeting to respond to any questions or concerns, email correspondence, and telephone and virtual meetings.
A primary component of the engagement approach has been to offer landowners within an 800 m radius of the subject site the opportunity to participate in a well monitoring program administered by MALP. Five landowners have agreed to participate in the program which will result in the installation of five monitoring stations in addition to the 11 stations installed within the subject site.
In total, MALP has participated in numerous email exchanges and 10 virtual meetings and phone calls with interested landowners and stakeholder organizations, at which 33 individuals were registered to participate.
To learn more about engagement completed to date for the DP process, please refer to this engagement summary.
Mountain Ash Limited Partnership (MALP) received approval from Rocky View County Council for its Land Use Amendment application and Master Site Development Plan for the Summit Pit project on Tuesday, March 2, 2021. As the next step in the process, MALP will develop and submit a Development Permit (DP) application and a Code of Practice for Pits (CPP) for approval.
As the project evolves, we are committed to working with the local community to identify and address concerns and interests through mitigation measures. We appreciate the time and effort given by the community so far, and we hope to continue to work together to design a safe, responsible operation.
MALP intends to submit its DP and CPP applications prior to summer 2021, and we want to hear from you. We invite you to get in touch to discuss your questions, comments and ideas related to the proposed operations at Summit. Our team is available to meet with you over the phone, or by video conference.
The Summit Project is going before Rocky View County Council for a Public Hearing on March 2, 2021. The agenda can be found here.
Due to restrictions caused by Covid-19, the event will be hosted virtually rather than in person. To learn more about RVC’s public hearing protocols, please visit the County website.
The summer 2020 public engagement program is now closed and a summary report has been developed and linked below. Thank you for your participation.
For questions or comments, please get in touch. We are committed to transparency and responsiveness and welcome input about the project or process at any time.
Get in Touch
If you have any questions or require any information regarding the Summit Project, please email info@summitproject.ca and a representative will get in touch with you shortly.
Thank you.